9 research outputs found

    Response of spring and facultative triticale on microbial preparation (Azospirillum brasilense and Bacillus polymyxa) by different nitrogen nutrition

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    The use of phosphate-mobilizing and nitrogen-fixing bacteria can increase the productivity of spring triticale and its resistance to abiotic factors. Peculiarities of microbial preparations influence on yield formation was studied in 3 triticale cultivars. Seed treatment by Azospirillum brasilense and Bacillus polymyxa had a different effect on elements of triticale productivity. Grain yield was increased on 7.2% in average by Azospirillim brasilense seed treatment and to 8.6% by Bacillus polymyxa. Their combined application gave 11.5% raise to grain yield. Positive effect of microbial preparations on number of productive shoots, grain weight per spike and thousand kernel weight was observed for traditional fertilization system (P36K72 + N80) and system without nitrogen application (P36K72). Correlation between elements of productivity showed differences between cultivars. Indicators of productive shoots and grain weight per spike had main effect on grain yield in all cultivars. Raising all elements of triticale performance has led to decrease in protein content for treated variant by Azospirillum brasilence and Bacillus polymyxa. Combined use this microbials allowed to keep protein content high while yield was increasing

    The role of self-learning in the practical training among preschool teachers

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    The article examines conditions for effective implementation of self-learning program in the training preschool teachers. The following research methods were used: pedagogical experiment, testing, observation, activity analysis, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Student’s t-test. An independent variable of the experiment was the self-learning program of preschool teachers developed through quality feedback and self-analysis. The professional competence of preschool teachers is studied through a system of components: motivational, cognitive, activity and reflective. Motivational and reflective components are less developed than cognitive and activity ones. It was found that the self-learning program is more effective for the development of cognitive, activity and reflective components, while the motivational component was less developed. It is established that the basic conditions for the effectiveness of professional self-learning is feedback from the program developer and ensuring quality pedagogical reflection of one’s actions. The following blocks of material were the most problematic for the assimilation of in the developed course: the physiological characteristics of children, speech and thinking of preschoolers, various aspects of the organization of learning and play in preschool education. The data can be used in the self-learning practice of preschool teachers and students to stimulate professional development. Further prospects for the study of the problem include improving the self-learning program for implementation in higher educational institutions. It is important to optimize the ways of development of preschool teachers’ pedagogical reflection. The development of standardized forms of assessment of acquired competencies is worth noting

    Financial literacy and financial well-being: the case of Eastern, Central, and Northern Europe

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    Nowadays, financial literacy is an integral part of education in many countries because of its positive influence on financial inclusion, and financial well-being of households is supposed. In this study, attention is focused on finding out which components of financial literacy (knowledge, behaviour, and attitude) determine the financial well-being of individuals to a greater extent, as well as the link between subjective and objective financial well-being and financial literacy. The Global Findex Database of the World Bank correlation and regression analysis was used inline with the principal components method to process data samples for Ukraine, Georgia, Czechia, Hungary, Croatia, Poland, Austria, Lithuania, and Estonia from OECD/INFE. Cross-country differences indicate that the more economically developed a country is, the higher its financial literacy level can be observed. Also, countries with lower financial literacy levels have more significant growth potential, with Poland and Ukraine as examples. The contribution of knowledge, behaviour, and attitude, in general, can be considered as uniform in terms of financial literacy index formation that corresponds to the index logic. It should be noted that in economically developed countries higher correlation dependency between financial literacy and knowledge and attitudes can be spotted than behaviour. At the same time, behaviour determines households` financial well-being level. It was detected that subjective financial well-being and financial literacy level equally, by approximately 63%, are driven by savings and sound budgeting. The wartime experience of Ukraine shows that depositors' behaviour can be quite different and depending on a set of factors, such as banking system development level, level of trust in the banking system, and financial literacy level

    A prognostic model and pre-discharge predictors of post-COVID-19 syndrome after hospitalization for SARS-CoV-2 infection

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    BackgroundPost-COVID-19 syndrome (PCS) has been increasingly recognized as an emerging problem: 50% of patients report ongoing symptoms 1 year after acute infection, with most typical manifestations (fatigue, dyspnea, psychiatric and neurological symptoms) having potentially debilitating effect. Early identification of high-risk candidates for PCS development would facilitate the optimal use of resources directed to rehabilitation of COVID-19 convalescents.ObjectiveTo study the in-hospital clinical characteristics of COVID-19 survivors presenting with self-reported PCS at 3 months and to identify the early predictors of its development.Methods221 hospitalized COVID-19 patients underwent symptoms assessment, 6-min walk test, and echocardiography pre-discharge and at 1 month; presence of PCS was assessed 3 months after discharge. Unsupervised machine learning was used to build a SANN-based binary classification model of PCS development.ResultsPCS at 3 months has been detected in 75% patients. Higher symptoms level in the PCS group was not associated with worse physical functional recovery or significant echocardiographic changes. Despite identification of a set of pre-discharge predictors, inclusion of parameters obtained at 1 month proved necessary to obtain a high accuracy model of PCS development, with inputs list including age, sex, in-hospital levels of CRP, eGFR and need for oxygen supplementation, and level of post-exertional symptoms at 1 month after discharge (fatigue and dyspnea in 6MWT and MRC Dyspnea score).ConclusionHospitalized COVID-19 survivors at 3 months were characterized by 75% prevalence of PCS, the development of which could be predicted with an 89% accuracy using the derived neural network-based classification model

    The Theoretical Description for Chlorantraniliprole Electrochemical Determination, Assisted by Squaraine Dye – Nano-CuS Composite

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    The theoretical description for the chlorantraniliprole electrochemical determination, assisted by the hybrid composite of squaraine dye with CuS nanoparticles has been described. The correspondent reaction mechanism has been proposed, and the correspondent mathematical model has been developed and analyzed by means of linear stability theory and bifurcation analysis. It has been shown that the chlorantraniprole electrochemical anodical determination on high potential may be efficiently provided by cupper sulfide nanoparticles, stabilized by the squaraine dye. On the other hand, the oscillatory and monotonic instability is also possible, being caused by DEL influences of the electrochemical stage. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v13i3.151

    How do savings and personal budgeting matter on financial literacy and well-being

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    Purpose – the well-being of individuals plays a vital role in fostering sustainable economic development. The differentiation between subjective and objective well-being in selected EU and selected non-EU countries, with a particular focus on financial literacy, as individuals’ assessments of their own well-being can significantly differ from objective economic indicators, emphasizing the subjective nature of well-being. The research objective is to investigate how savings and personal budgeting indicators affect both objective and subjective well-being and to examine the role of these indicators in promoting financial literacy. Research methodology – the research investigates the impact of savings and personal budgeting indicators on financial literacy (FLI), financial well-being (FWB), and gross domestic product at purchasing power parity per capita (GDP PPP per capita). We applied Pearson’s pairwise correlation between nine indicators of personal budgeting and savings and the method of principal components to identify the reasonable factors according to their statistical significance based on data from 22 countries included in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development/International Network on Financial Education (OECD/INFE) survey data, Global Findex Database. The application of the Varimax procedure made it possible to identify factor groups of indicators. Findings – we identify two factors for the whole sample and a sample of selected EU-countries; for non-EU-countries were identified three factors. Our research reveals that subjective FWB across all countries and non-EU countries is under the significant influence of factor group 1 mainly represented by savings indicators, with no significance for EU countries. FLI also significantly depends on factor group 1 for the entire sample of countries and across EU and non-EU countries. GDP PPP per capita is under the significant influence of all factors both in the sample of countries and across EU and non-EU countries. Research limitations – FLI databases started to be gathered relatively recently and are not regularly updated. This can cause a situation when data for different countries are provided with time gaps. Moreover, due to the high cost involved, not all countries conduct such research, which hinders the creation of large datasets for more accurate country comparisons. Practical implications – the results of this study may have interest for policymakers since they focus on improvement of the financial literacy and FWB of individuals, that results in a higher level of financial stability. Originality/Value – this research is to address existing gaps in understanding of the interplay between subjective and objective FWB. Also, it proposes a novel approach that views savings as a factor that enhances financial literacy, in contrast to the conventional approach that considers savings as a consequence of improved FWB

    Financial literacy and financial well-being: the case of Eastern, Central, and Northern Europe

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    Nowadays, financial literacy is an integral part of education in many countries because of its positive influence on financial inclusion, and financial well-being of households is supposed. In this study, attention is focused on finding out which components of financial literacy (knowledge, behaviour, and attitude) determine the financial well-being of individuals to a greater extent, as well as the link between subjective and objective financial well-being and financial literacy. The Global Findex Database of the World Bank correlation and regression analysis was used inline with the principal components method to process data samples for Ukraine, Georgia, Czechia, Hungary, Croatia, Poland, Austria, Lithuania, and Estonia from OECD/INFE. Cross-country differences indicate that the more economically developed a country is, the higher its financial literacy level can be observed. Also, countries with lower financial literacy levels have more significant growth potential, with Poland and Ukraine as examples. The contribution of knowledge, behaviour, and attitude, in general, can be considered as uniform in terms of financial literacy index formation that corresponds to the index logic. It should be noted that in economically developed countries higher correlation dependency between financial literacy and knowledge and attitudes can be spotted than behaviour. At the same time, behaviour determines households` financial well-being level. It was detected that subjective financial well-being and financial literacy level equally, by approximately 63%, are driven by savings and sound budgeting. The wartime experience of Ukraine shows that depositors' behaviour can be quite different and depending on a set of factors, such as banking system development level, level of trust in the banking system, and financial literacy level

    Вплив викладачів ЗВО на формування особистісної зрілості студентів

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    Psychological and pedagogical interaction in higher education is characterized by certain features, among which, the determining is the influence of the professor on the formation of students' personal maturity. Under the influence of internal (personal) and external (social) factors, meaningful personal formations arise, that characterize this phenomenon. The article explicates signs of personal maturity: at the individual level - adequate self-esteem, a high level of self-regulation, independence, and responsibility; within social interaction - the ability of the individual to be tolerant and empathic. The process of professor-student interaction in higher education institutions should be aimed at maintaining an enthusiastic attitude toward the future profession, and the development of relevant qualities and features necessary for the future specialist, which adds relevance to the study. An effective means of influencing the formation of students' personal maturity is psychological and pedagogical support for all participants of the educational process in higher education institutions, which corresponds to the natural concept of personality development in the dialectical unity of postmodern approaches to understanding the psyche. The result of such support lies in the preservation of moral, spiritual, and mental health, the promotion of emotional well-being of students, the development of natural potential, and the activation of internal resources that ensure the aspiration of a young person to self-development. The article outlines the peculiarities of the influence of university professors on the formation of students’ personal maturity. The latter is activated due to the professors’ readiness to create conditions for psychological and pedagogical support and effective organization of the education process. The prospects for further research lie in outlining methods for the development and formation of students' personal maturity within the process of professor-student interaction during distance learning and the subsequent testing of their effectiveness in the educational process.Психолого-педагогічна взаємодія у закладі вищої освіти характеризується певними особливостями, серед яких визначальним є вплив викладача на формування особистісної зрілості студентів. Під впливом внутрішніх (особистісних) і зовнішніх (соціальних) факторів виникають змістовні особистісні утворення, які характеризують це явище. У статті визначено ознаки особистісної зрілості: на індивідуальному рівні – адекватна самооцінка, високий рівень саморегуляції, самостійності та відповідальності; в рамках соціальної взаємодії - здатність особистості бути толерантним і емпатійним. Процес взаємодії викладача і студента у ЗВО має бути спрямований на збереження захопленого ставлення до майбутньої професії, розвиток відповідних якостей і рис, необхідних майбутньому фахівцеві, що додає актуальності навчанню. Ефективним засобом впливу на формування особистісної зрілості студентів є психолого-педагогічний супровід усіх учасників навчально-виховного процесу у ЗВО, що відповідає закономірній концепції розвитку особистості в діалектичній єдності постмодерністських підходів до розуміння психіки. Результатом такої підтримки є збереження морального, духовного та психічного здоров’я, сприяння емоційному благополуччю студентів, розвиток природного потенціалу, активізація внутрішніх ресурсів, які забезпечують прагнення молодої людини до себе. У статті окреслено особливості впливу викладачів ВНЗ на формування особистісної зрілості студентів. Остання активізується завдяки готовності викладачів створити умови для психолого-педагогічного супроводу та ефективної організації освітнього процесу. Перспективами подальших досліджень є окреслення методів розвитку та формування особистісної зрілості студентів у процесі взаємодії викладача та студента під час дистанційного навчання та подальша перевірка їх ефективності в освітньому процесі

    Physical and psycho-sensory abilities as the basis of motivation of students to systematic section classes in the system of physical education of HEI

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    Purpose: to develop practical recommendations for students of KhSAC, concerning the choice of sports section taking into account the level of their psychophysiological and motor abilities. Material & Methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: statistically significant interrelations of psychological indicators with indicators of motor abilities of students, who took part in the research, are revealed by results of the research. Differences of results of the pedagogical testing of students of different specialties are found, practical recommendations which allow students of KhSAC, taking into account their desires, psychological and motor abilities, to choose the sports section corresponding to them, are developed. Conclusions: individual properties of students of KhSAC of different specialties are defined on the basis of results of assessment of psychophysiological and motor abilities. Practical recommendations for students of KhSAC are developed, concerning the choice of sports section taking into account the level of their psychophysiological and motor abilities